4 | Lincoln


This Sunday was Mothers’ Day in the UK so I told my mum to pick somewhere, anywhere, for us to go to together. Sunday morning, I hopped on a train from King’s Cross and after just 2 hours, I arrived in Lincoln, as my mum pulled into the station car park, 2 hours after leaving home. Neither of us had ever visited this city, so we set off to explore!

We headed along the high street, which leads into The Strait. We followed the road which turned into a steep hill climb (later we discovered this street was appropriately named ‘Steep Hill’), which took us past stone walled houses, cute vintage shops and a lovely coffee shop called Basecamp, where we decided to take a rest and have a spot of lunch. I loved how the street transformed from high street to a very villagey kind of feel, with little independent shops, it felt as though the further up the hill you went, the further back in time you travelled!

After eating some delicious bagels and reviving ourselves with tea and coffee, we continued up Steep Hill, passing more vintage shops and cute gift shops before arriving at the top, where to the right towers Lincoln Cathedral, and to the left lies Lincoln Castle. I had no expectations of Lincoln, and in fact I wasn’t expecting a lot from it, but I was really pleasantly surprised by how pretty and historic it was! Mum and I nattered away, and walked around the castle, and weaved our way back to the bottom of the hill where we made a very impulsive decision to go and visit Doddington Hall, an Elizabethan mansion and gardens.

10 minutes later, we arrived and we had a lovely walk around the gardens which was blooming with Spring bulbs! I love an old-fashioned manicured garden so I was in my element! The views across the meadows were beautiful, and I felt so relaxed and so far away from everything. From the garden, there were nature walks leading into the trees and into the meadows. It all just felt so open and rural, I loved it.

We had a Mothers’ Day cup of tea and scone in the coffee shop, because what’s a visit to a country home without a tea stop, and then we headed our separate ways back home! A jolly good day out, with a jolly good woman.

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