8 | Kilcreggan


Last weekend (sorry this post is a bit late getting out there!), I paid a visit to Scotland. I’m very lucky that I have a little bolt hole to escape to when London gets too much, a little place where I can surround myself with hills, deer and lochs – this is where I spent last weekend.

The train journey is always a long one – I left Euston on the 17.30, and didn’t arrive into Helensburgh until 23.18, which felt really long, but its always so worth it. I love arriving at places in the dark because then when you wake up in the morning and pull the curtains back its such a surprise to see where you’ve ended up in the night.

Unfortunately, the weather last weekend was incredibly grey and rainy, all Saturday and most of Sunday (until on Sunday evening and sun came out and it was just AMAZING!). Saturday, the loch was so still and silent except for the quiet chug of the Dunoon ferry in the distance. My dad and I made our way to Glasgow for a mooch around the shops (we didn’t have umbrellas with us so we ended up getting very wet and a bit grumpy!), and then the Sunday we worked hard gardening and walking along the beach before making our way back to Glasgow to catch our train in the evening. Even late that night, my cheeks were red and so toasty from the few hours of sun, glistening off the surface of the loch. The sun in Scotland does usually catch me out, I always find myself getting burnt as I never expect it – how does the saying go, no one ever expects the Scottish sun? (ok, ok its Spanish inquisition but you get the picture).

Scotland has always held a place in my heart, I used to holiday there every year when I was young, and my dad and his family are all based there so whenever I can, I love getting up there. Last year my brother and I cycled the North Coast 500, which is a 500 mile route around the North of Scotland, starting and finishing in Inverness. We did it in six days and took our tents with us, and camped in the most beautiful, remote places on the way. There are so many people who live in England who have never been to Scotland but to anyone reading this who hasn’t been – GO! Take a plane, a train, a car, however you fancy, and get yourself up there and hopefully you’ll be blessed enough to have a bit of sun, because when the sun shines it truly is beautiful.

As the sun started to set, my dad and I jumped in the car and drove to Glasgow, the sun setting behind us as we drove – Sunday night and we both had to be in London for work the following morning. We dropped the car off, and had a bite to eat in town, before making our way to the station to catch the sleeper train.

I love the sleeper train.

I don’t even know if many people know it exists, but it does! It runs from Aberdeen, Fort William, Inverness, Glasgow and Edinburgh, and even though I’ve taken it so many times now, it still feels like I’m getting on the Hogwarts Express every time. You hop on, find your cabin and make yourself comfy, and a few hours later you wake up and you’re in London. I tell you now, its the way ahead, and it also gives you the whole of Sunday to spend in Scotland, so you can really make the most of your weekend! I already have another trip to the bonnie land up my sleeve so I’ll be sure to document the weekend, and my trip on the sleeper, on my instagram when I do (@everyweekendaway)… Stay tuned!


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