10 | Hampton Court

Hampton Court

Weekend number 10 was a busy weekend for me, with my mum visiting and my brother running the London Marathon on the Sunday, so I needed a really quick few hours out of London. I know Hampton Court is hardly far away, but its somewhere that has been on my to do list for a while, having cycled through there a few times I thought this was the perfect opportunity to check it out!

I got the train to Teddington, and walked through Bushy Park (which is huge) with the sun shining, and watched the model boats on the pond for a bit before going to look at the Palace. I was a bit put out at the price of entry for the palace, but I was super happy to find out that you can still sit in the external gardens for free, and so I had a lovely time looking at the flowers and walking around the rose garden, before sitting on a bench and reading my book in the sun.

I then wandered down the Thames, and did a loop back on myself, walking past Molesey Lock and through the town which is very small but quaint, before going back to Bushy Park to set up picnic in the sun.

Earlier in the week as well, I cycled from work to Hampton Pool, a heated outdoor pool, which was AMAZING. We went on a Wednesday so it was open until 9pm, and it was a gorgeous summer’s evening – it was idyllic to swim in the open air pool while the sun set to the West, and while the odd plane flew overhead to Heathrow. They also do midnight swims in summer, where the pool is open from 10pm to midnight – keep your eyes on the website for when these are, the next one is 22nd June.

That was my very quick weekend number 10, but it was probably worth my while having a little rest since I’ve got some exciting weekends lined up… Can’t wait to share!

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