13 | Edinburgh


This weekend was quite a busy one! I dashed to get the train to Glasgow on Friday straight after work, then changed on to a train to take me to my dad’s on the west coast, where I arrived just before midnight. I woke up super early, and went into Glasgow before catching the train to Edinburgh which is when the fun could really start! It was a beautiful morning and walking through Glasgow (to the sound of bagpipes and drums) I had a moment of feeling incredibly lucky to be able to travel so easily and got really excited about being up in Scotland again.

I arrived in Edinburgh for lunchtime and walked past the tourists on the Royal Mile out to the Meadows where my friend was doing a 5k obstacle run. I sat on the grass watching everyone run (walk) past, the sun was shining and I was just so happy, I felt so relaxed, so at ease and as though all my London stresses and troubles were so far away… which they were! We had the most delicious savoury crepe for lunch, which I can 100% recommend, from a little stall at the top of Middle Meadow Walk, where it meets Lauriston Place, before hopping in my friend’s car and leaving Edinburgh behind for the Scottish countryside of North Berwick.

We met my friend’s dad at a tiny airfield, as he had offered to take me out on his microlite, which was an offer I could not refuse! He kitted me out in flying gear, helmet and radio, before taking to the sky! It was so amazing, flying over the coastline, over Gannet Rock (a big white rock which is so white from all the bird poo!) and over all the huge country homes and their gardens. We spent an hour in the air before landing and heading back into North Berwick for a beautiful sunset and cocktails.

Sunday morning, my friend and I went back to Edinburgh. It was a beautiful hot and sunny day so we went to Restoration Yard, just outside of the city. We had lunch, went for a walk around the grounds and even had a little nap in the courtyard – it was just bliss. A bonus being as well that I was getting the sleeper train back to London that evening, so there was no rush for me to get on a train mid afternoon – I had the whole day to take it easy.

I got a train back to Glasgow about 7pm, before catching the train back to London. For anyone who has never got the sleeper before, I always compare it to the Hogwarts Express – you really feel like you’re off on an adventure! You board the train, get your little bunk bed room (luckily I’ve always been with family.. I don’t much fancy sharing such a small space with someone I don’t know!), and then you can sit back, read a book, have a glass of wine, whatever you like before climbing into bed and going to sleep, knowing that through the night, you are moving closer to London. When I step off at Euston, I always feel a silent camaraderie with everyone else who gets off, as though in that moment we are all united in our love for adventure and our desire to escape to Scotland. Then, as quickly as this union forms, it disappears as everyone scatters, going their separate ways and getting back into their daily routines.

Five trains taken and a great weekend had.

Until next week…

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