11 | Newquay


About my third week of this challenge, I had a bit of a moment where I realised that although I’m happy to do these weekends on my own, that it would be nice to do one with others, and so after a lot of deliberating, I decided to book myself last minute to join the Where’s Mollie Global Travellers on the 4th weekend adventure to Cornwall. Mollie Bylett is an influencer who has created an online community, where young travellers can share stories and tips on a facebook page, as well as getting together every so often for weekends of adventure, with a vision of creating better connection than phones ever can. The 4th Global Travellers weekend promised 50 likeminded individuals a chance to get outside and enjoy what the Cornish coastline had to offer. After my amazing time in St Ives I was really excited that I’d be coming back to Cornwall again so soon and for such a fun event.

I left London Paddington on my favourite 7:30am train to Par, where I changed onto the Newquay train, arriving just before 13:00. I had been told that to get a taxi from Newquay to the youth hostel where were staying, in Treyarnon Bay would cost me £20, so in classic me style, I decided to save that money and instead, I bought a pasty, some twirls and walked 10 miles to Treyarnon Bay along the coastal path, obviously heavily kitted out with waterproof everything, in case of a heavy shower. I was a bit apprehensive about setting off with my heavy rucksack on my own, with the black clouds blowing around overhead, but after half an hour or so, the sun came out and it was BEAUTIFUL, with spectacular views on my way past Watergate Bay, through Mawgan Point and past the amazing Bedruthan Steps.

Finally, 3 hours and 45 minutes later I arrived at the YHA Treyarnon Bay. I was super nervous about walking in and introducing myself to a group of strangers, but I took a deep breath and as you might expect, it was all ok – everyone was great. That evening was spent on the beach outside the youth hostel, gathered around a campfire sharing stories and getting to know eachother, before retreating inside for a few drinks and more chat.

We woke up on the Saturday with a bit of time to explore, and then mid-morning we drove (thank goodness I didn’t have to walk again) to Newquay’s Fistral Beach where we all gave coasteering a go! The sun was shining and it was a perfect day, we could not have been happier! The guides at Bare Feet Coasteering were ace and led us safely around the rugged coastline, leading us to jump off progressively higher rocks, before we retreated to the Fistral Beach Bar for a much deserved pizza and cider in the sun.

That evening, we were graced with the most amazing sunset. We all gathered in the bay, as the sun set in the distance, before gathering to roast marshmallows once again on the beach bonfire, the sun glowing pink (like our faces) in the evening light.

What. A. Day.

Photo credit: Lydia Collins

Sunday, we got up, and a few of us walked further around the coastline to the Trevose Head Lighthouse, crossing on our way just the most beautifully long white sandy beaches. We then all drove to Tintagel, where we had a pasty (obviously), and explored the coastal path before saying our goodbyes and making our ways back to our homes all across the UK.

The weekend was brilliant. Although I have really enjoyed my solo trips away on this challenge, it was so lovely to have people to do all these things with and to not be the decision maker on what to do and where to go. Coasteering is something that I would never sign up to on my own, but we blimmin did it! Being thrown into a group of 49 complete strangers as well, for me was really nerve-racking, but I met some great people and I genuinely arrived back in London with my cheeks pink and my heart brimming with love.

Writing this blog post 2 weeks later and I’m still riding the wave from this weekend.

Until next time…

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