14 | The Lake District

The Lake District

This weekend was another funny one for me, where initial plans didn’t happen and so Saturday morning I made a quick decision to go home and persuaded my mum to come with me on a day trip to the Lake District.

The Lakes are very special to us and we love nothing more than going for a visit, walking the hills and feeling in the middle of nowhere, and on top of the world surrounded by the most stunning scenery. This weekend we were blessed with amazing weather – stunning blue skies, the sun shining down, and a nice cooling breeze so we didn’t get too hot.

We climbed up Harrison Stickle, stopping at the tarn mid way for our packed lunch. It was a lovely peak to climb – it didn’t take us too long but from the top we felt so high, and we could see for ages, and with the wind blowing really hard, we felt so exhilarated and alive.

When we got back to the bottom, we had an ice cream before driving round to Coniston with our bags of BBQ goodies for a late afternoon, lakeside barbie – and what an evening it was for it. The wind had died down, the water was completely still and the sun was shining away. I love the weird silence that you get by the lakes, where you can hear people out in the middle of the lake, yet you’re so far from them. Its kind of like when it snows and there’s a weird noise blanket that falls with it. We watched the boats on the water – immediately I regretted not thinking to pack my swimming costume (funnily enough usually one of my packing necessities!) – before lighting our BBQ as the sun started to fall lower in the sky. I think if both of us could have bottled that moment up, we would have done. It really was a perfect day.