1 | Beaconsfield


This weekend saw me starting the challenge with a small journey outside of London – just 25 minutes out of Marylebone station, surrounded by fields and rolling hills, lies the little town of Beaconsfield.

The day got of to a cracking start, Polly and I chatting to a lovely lady in the Waitrose loo, before giving the Bekonscot Model Village a little look. We spent our morning walking around the maze of model houses, getting way too excited and absorbed with the task choosing where we’d live (one house vs another based on which had a south facing garden – a very in depth conversation). There was even a model railway which chugged away around the whole village which was just so much fun! (nerd alert) Also in my books, anywhere with a bin painted to be like a twister ice lolly is a win for me.

Following this, and feeling slightly sad at how simple life looked for the little model world, we found a lovely little cafe to have some lunch, and to warm up – though the sun was out, it was not warm, summer definitely isn’t here yet! Benedict’s store on Gregories Road offered us the little rest that we needed. A cosy independent coffee shop offering toasties, salads, cakes, you name it. We grabbed a window seat, me with my stew and Polly with her salmon and avocado toast, and watched the world go by.

We then headed to the Holtspur Nature Reserve, which I’m sure is a beautiful wild flower meadow in spring and summer – unfortunately mid Feb, it was more just a bit muddy! Still, there were benches to kick back on and soak up the winter sun (is Feb still winter?) and watch the horses play in the fields nearby.

Although my first weekend has only started with a short train journey, I had such a relaxing time, and its so nice to be reminded that countryside exploration can happen so close to London. Sometimes its so easy to get swept up in the rush of the big smoke that you forget to slow down, breathe the fresh air and feel the mud under your feet. I find being out in the open really grounding. I think its what everyone needs every once in a while (but then what do i know, hey).

I guess we’ll see where next weekend takes me!

Bye for now!